
Collect Payments, Manage Price Plans, and Generate Reports.

Billing Service for Cloud Business Owners

Billing is a critical part of any business, but it can be especially challenging for cloud business owners. With so many different resources and services to track, it can be difficult to keep up with invoicing and payments. ICDC Billing solves this problem by providing a comprehensive billing solution that is tailored to the needs of cloud businesses.

Cloud billing made simple

Save time and money

Billing automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated with billing, such as invoicing and payment processing. This frees up your time to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Accessibility Anywhere, Anytime

Billing is in the cloud, giving you access from anywhere, whether at your desk, on the move, or working remotely. Stay in control of your billing, no matter where you are.

Ensure accuracy

Billing's powerful reporting features give you complete visibility into your billing process. This helps you identify and correct any errors before they become costly problems.

The all-in-one solution

Payments and invoices

Billing makes it easy to create and send invoices to your customers, track their status, and accept payments quickly and easily with Stripe integration.

Price plans

Billing allows you to create different price plans for your customers and change them as needed. You can also view a list of all active and inactive price plans and their validity periods.


Generate reports for the period you are interested in, grouping data by customer or service. The reports display data on consumed resources and their cost

Have Questions? We're Here to Help

If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is available to provide the support you need.